Track/Playlist Macros (available for playlist events): ${event} : the name of the event (eg. ‘TrackPlay’) ${effectiveload} : the event’s load date and time in format ‘yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss’ ${effectivestart} : the event’s start date and time in format ‘yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss’ ${effectivesec} : the event’s play time (duration) in whole seconds ${effectivems} : the event’s play time (duration) in whole milliseconds ${uniqueid} : an internal unique id of the track event ${playername} : the name of the player (eg. ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’ or ‘D’) ${playeroutput} : the name of the mixer output channel used by this player ${playerisplaying} : is the related player playing (1/True, 0/False) ${playerstatus} : the status string of the related player (Empty,Cued,Playing,Loading) ${playerstatusid} : the status of the related player (0,1,2) ${plsname} : the name of the playlist ${plsfilename} : the location of the playlist file ${plstotalsec} : the total length of the playlist in whole seconds ${plsremainsec} : the remaining length of the playlist in whole seconds ${plstotalcount} : the number of tracks in the playlist ${plsremaincount} : the number of remaining (unplayed) tracks in the playlist ${plscurrenttrack} : the index of the track in the playlist ${plstracknamecurrent} : the current track’s meta data track name (i.e. ‘artist – title’) ${plstracknamenext} : the next track’s meta data track name (i.e. ‘artist – title’) ${plstracktitlecurrent} : the current track’s meta data title name ${plstracktitlenext} : the next track’s meta data title name ${plstrackguidcurrent} : the current track’s unique identifier as a string ${plstrackguidnext} : the next track’s unique identifier as a string ${plstrackartistcurrent} : the current track’s meta data artist name ${plstrackartistnext} : the next track’s meta data artist name ${plstrackalbumcurrent} : the current track’s meta data album name ${plstrackalbumnext} : the next track’s meta data album name ${plstrackgenrecurrent} : the current track’s meta data genre string ${plstrackgenrenext} : the next track’s meta data genre string ${plstrackyearcurrent} : the current track’s meta data year string ${plstrackyearnext} : the next track’s meta data year string ${plstrackgroupingcurrent} : the current track’s meta data grouping string ${plstrackgroupingnext} : the next track’s meta data grouping string ${plstrackmoodcurrent} : the current track’s meta data mood string ${plstrackmoodnext} : the next track’s meta data mood string ${plstrackratingcurrent} : the current track’s meta data rating string ${plstrackratingnext} : the next track’s meta data rating string ${plstrackisrccurrent} : the current track’s meta data ISRC ${plstrackisrcnext} : the next track’s meta data ISRC ${plstracktypecurrent} : the current track’s meta data media entry type string ${plstracktypenext} : the next track’s meta data media entry type string ${plstrackbpmcurrent} : the current track’s meta data BPM ${plstrackbpmnext} : the next track’s meta data BPM ${plstrackdurationcurrent} : the current track’s effective duration (CueIn to CueOut) ${plstrackdurationnext} : the next track’s effective duration (CueIn to CueOut) ${plstrackplaytimecurrent} : the current track’s effective play time (CueIn to CueOut) ${plstrackplaytimenext} : the next track’s effective play time (CueIn to CueOut) ${plstrackramptimecurrent} : the current track’s ramp time (CueIn to Ramp/2) ${plstrackramptimenext} : the next track’s ramp time (CueIn to Ramp/2) ${plstrackoutrotimecurrent} : the current track’s outro time (Outro to Next/CueOut) ${plstrackoutrotimenext} : the next track’s outro time (Outro to Next/CueOut) ${plstrackalbumartcurrent} : the current track’s album art picture (base64 encoded) ${plstrackalbumartnext} : the next track’s album art picture (base64 encoded) ${filenameandpath} : the track’s location and file name ${filename} : the track’s filename ${filenamewithoutext} : the track’s filename without the extension ProppFrexx ONAIR 304 RADIO42 Confidential ${filenameext} : the track’s filename extension only (including the period ‘.’) ${directoryname} : the track’s directory only ${rootdirectoryname} : the track’s root path (e.g. ‘C:\’ or ‘\\Computer\Folder’) ${guid} : the track’s global unique identifier (e.g ‘F9168C5E-CEB2-4FAA-B6BF-329BF39FA1E4’) ${trackname} : the track’s track name (i.e. ‘artist – title’) ${title} : the track’s meta data title name ${artist} : the track’s meta data artist name ${album} : the track’s meta data album name ${year} : the track’s meta data year string ${genre} : the track’s meta data genre string ${grouping} : the track’s meta data grouping string ${mood} : the track’s meta data mood string ${isrc} : the track’s meta data ISRC string ${rating} : the track’s meta data rating string ${bpm} : the track’s meta data BPM value as a string ${albumartist} : the track’s meta data album artist string ${composer} : the track’s meta data composer string ${copyright} : the track’s meta data copyright string ${encodedby} : the track’s meta data encoded by string ${tracknumber} : the track’s meta data track number string ${discnumber} : the track’s meta data disc number string ${publisher} : the track’s meta data publisher string ${conductor} : the track’s meta data conductor string ${lyricist} : the track’s meta data lyricist string ${remixer} : the track’s meta data remixer string ${producer} : the track’s meta data producer string ${comment} : the track’s meta data comment text ${albumart} : the track’s album art picture (base64 encoded) ${replaygaingain} : the track’s meta data replay gain value in dB (-60.0…60.0) ${replaygainpeak} : the track’s meta data replay gain peak float value (0.0…1.0) ${bitrate} : the track’s audio bit rate string ${format} : the track’s audio format string ${tracktype} : the track’s meta data media entry type as a string ${mixin} : the track’s mixIn option as a string ${options} : the track’s meta data media entry options as a comma-separated string ${trackstartindicator} : the track’s meta data track start indicator character ${trackendindicator} : the track’s meta data track end indicator character ${tempostart} : the track’s meta data tempo start value ${tempoend} : the track’s meta data tempo end value ${moderatortext} : the track’s meta data moderator text ${length} : the track’s total length (duration) as a string ([HH:]MM:SS) ${lengthsec} : the track’s total length (duration) in seconds (3 decimal places) ${lengthms} : the track’s total length (duration) in whole milliseconds ${duration} : the track’s effective duration (CueIn to CueOut) as a string ([HH:]MM:SS) ${durationsec} : the track’s effective duration (CueIn to CueOut) in seconds ${durationms} : the track’s effective duration (CueIn to CueOut) in whole milliseconds ${playtime} : the track’s effective play time (CueIn to Next) as a string ([HH:]MM:SS) ${playtimesec} : the track’s effective play time (CueIn to Next) in seconds ${playtimems} : the track’s effective play time (CueIn to Next) in whole milliseconds ${ramptime} : the track’s ramp time (CueIn to Ramp/2) as a string ([HH:]MM:SS[/[HH:]MM:SS]) ${ramptimems} : the track’s ramp time (CueIn to Ramp) in whole milliseconds ${ramp2timems} : the track’s ramp2 time (CueIn to Ramp2) in whole milliseconds ${outrotime} : the track’s outro time (Outro to Next/CueOut) as a string ([HH:]MM:SS[/[HH:]MM:SS]) ${outrotimems} : the track’s outro time (Outro to Next/CueOut) in whole milliseconds ${cuein} : the track’s CueIn position as a string ([HH:]MM:SS) APPENDIX RADIO42 Confidential 305 ${cueinsec} : the track’s CueIn position in seconds (3 decimal places) ${cueinms} : the track’s CueIn position in whole milliseconds ${cueinoffset} : the track’s CueInOffset position as a string ([HH:]MM:SS) ${cueinoffsetsec} : the track’s CueInOffset position in seconds (3 decimal places) ${cueinoffsetms} : the track’s CueInOffset position in whole milliseconds ${fulllevel} : the track’s FullLevel position as a string ([HH:]MM:SS) ${fulllevelsec} : the track’s FullLevel position in seconds (3 decimal places) ${fulllevelms} : the track’s FullLevel position in whole milliseconds ${ramp} : the track’s Ramp position as a string ([HH:]MM:SS) ${rampsec} : the track’s Ramp position in seconds (3 decimal places) ${rampms} : the track’s Ramp position in whole milliseconds ${ramp2} : the track’s Ramp2 position as a string ([HH:]MM:SS) ${ramp2sec} : the track’s Ramp2 position in seconds (3 decimal places) ${ramp2ms} : the track’s Ramp2 position in whole milliseconds ${outro} : the track’s Outro position as a string ([HH:]MM:SS) ${outrosec} : the track’s Outro position in seconds (3 decimal places) ${outroms} : the track’s Outro position in whole milliseconds ${fadeout} : the track’s FadeOut position as a string ([HH:]MM:SS) ${fadeoutsec} : the track’s FadeOut position in seconds (3 decimal places) ${fadeoutms} : the track’s FadeOut position in whole milliseconds ${next} : the track’s Next position as a string ([HH:]MM:SS) ${nextsec} : the track’s Next position in seconds (3 decimal places) ${nextms} : the track’s Next position in whole milliseconds ${cueout} : the track’s CueOut position as a string ([HH:]MM:SS) ${cueoutsec} : the track’s CueOut position in seconds (3 decimal places) ${cueoutms} : the track’s CueOut position in whole milliseconds ${hookcuein} : the track’s Hook-CueIn position as a string ([HH:]MM:SS) ${hookcueinsec} : the track’s Hook-CueIn position in seconds (3 decimal places) ${hookcueinms} : the track’s Hook-CueIn position in whole milliseconds ${hookfulllevel} : the track’s Hook-FullLevel position as a string ([HH:]MM:SS) ${hookfulllevelsec} : the track’s Hook-FullLevel position in seconds (3 decimal places) ${hookfulllevelms} : the track’s Hook-FullLevel position in whole milliseconds ${hookramp} : the track’s Hook-Ramp position as a string ([HH:]MM:SS) ${hookrampsec} : the track’s Hook-Ramp position in seconds (3 decimal places) ${hookrampms} : the track’s Hook-Ramp position in whole milliseconds ${hookramp2} : the track’s Hook-Ramp2 position as a string ([HH:]MM:SS) ${hookramp2sec} : the track’s Hook-Ramp2 position in seconds (3 decimal places) ${hookramp2ms} : the track’s Hook-Ramp2 position in whole milliseconds ${hookoutro} : the track’s Hook-Outro position as a string ([HH:]MM:SS) ${hookoutrosec} : the track’s Hook-Outro position in seconds (3 decimal places) ${hookoutroms} : the track’s Hook-Outro position in whole milliseconds ${hookfadeout} : the track’s Hook-FadeOut position as a string ([HH:]MM:SS) ${hookfadeoutsec} : the track’s Hook-FadeOut position in seconds (3 decimal places) ${hookfadeoutms} : the track’s Hook-FadeOut position in whole milliseconds ${hooknext} : the track’s Hook-Next position as a string ([HH:]MM:SS) ${hooknextsec} : the track’s Hook-Next position in seconds (3 decimal places) ${hooknextms} : the track’s Hook-Next position in whole milliseconds ${hookcueout} : the track’s Hook-CueOut position as a string ([HH:]MM:SS) ${hookcueoutsec} : the track’s Hook-CueOut position in seconds (3 decimal places) ${hookcueoutms} : the track’s Hook-CueOut position in whole milliseconds ${TAG:tagid} : will be replaced by the content of the specific TAG identifier.