Composition Editor

Visual Compositions allow you to combine multiple layers of graphics (Visuals) into a single, structured layout. By stacking and reusing layers, you ensure that visuals appear in the correct order within the Episode Playout. When a layer is selected in the Playout, it becomes a rundown item, making it easy to manage and trigger during a live broadcast.

How a Composition works

Compositions serve as the foundation for Playout Episodes. When creating a composition, you are essentially selecting the Visuals and their default values for use in the Playout. Once the composition is set up, it must be linked in the Output EditorOutput Editor , which is only possible in the Advanced Editor.
Visual Composition overrides all classic content of the rundown and is only available in Manual Output Mode.

Layer Aliases

Each layer in a composition can be assigned an alias. This is useful when you want to provide a more descriptive name for a visual without altering the original file. For example, if the visual is named Lower Third, but you need a dedicated layer for guest names, you can assign it an alias like Guest Name. The alias will be displayed in the Playout, while the visual itself remains unchanged.

Default Variables

Visual Variables can have a default value set within the visual itself. However, when reusing visuals across different scenarios, conflicts may arise due to varying default values. To prevent this, the Composition Editor allows you to set default values for variables at the composition level.

Playback Configurationg

Compositions can also include predefined playback settings:
  • Default Duration – Assign a standard duration to each layer, so every time it is added to the rundown, it already has a set playtime.
  • Archiving & Auto-Archiving – Choose whether rundown items should be archived manually or automatically after playback.