Link PlayIt Live data to Visual Radio

To automate Visual Radio with PlayIt Live you can easily link it to your VRA set-up by following these simple 3 steps:


✅ Make sure you have the Now Playing Plugin installed from


  1. Go to your AutomationLink Settings in the Advanced Studio Settings
    1. VisualRadioAssist
      Add the PlayIt Live Automation
  1. Copy the URL that is generated in the Cloud


  1. Configure your Now Playing Plugin
Image without caption
  1. Set the Method to POST and Paste the URL from the AutomationLink Settings screen. Make sure to validate if the hostname in the url is accessible by the PlayIt Live machine.
  1. Copy & Paste the following Template into the Configure screen:
    1. Template

      <VRA_AutomationLink> <artist>{{artist}}</artist> <title>{{title}}</title> </VRA_AutomationLink>