GSAP Animations with Visual Radio Graphics

To add GSAP animations to your Visuals in Visual Radio Assist, you can make use of the custom JS in the Designer.

Example GSAP IN + OUT Fade Transition

Make sure to replace the #layer-id with your own layer ID’s.
The Default Transition should also be turned off on the layer you want to manually animate/transition.
const tl = gsap.timeline({ paused: true }); tl.set("#layer-id", { // initial state opacity: 0 });"#layer-id", { opacity: 1 }).addPause(); // in animation"#layer-id", { opacity: 0 }); // out animation window.visual_playstate_manager.on("activate", () => { tl.restart(); // always restart from beginning }); window.visual_playstate_manager.on("deactivate", () => { // continue playing after -first- pause }); cleanup.cleanup = () => { tl.kill(); };